Receivables - Payables

Autor: Fenwick

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Streamline the receivables and payables process with an overview of outstanding accounts.

Detailed overview page for outstanding accounts

  • Quick access to all the details you need for the receivables and payables process.
  • Split amounts owning into customisable aging buckets, and view the transaction via drill down.
  • Directly send remittance, statements and outstanding invoices, as well as run various other useful reports.
  • View contact details, edit comments, and blocked accounts.

Outstanding amounts at a glance

  • Outstanding and overdue amounts are shown on the Finance role centre, and allows you to drill down directly into the overview page.
  • New aging FactBox on customer and vendor pages, and optionally on documents.

What's new?

Check out the release notes for Receivables - Payables.


What is Fenwick Gold?

Fenwick Gold is a suite of apps that extend base functionality in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Previously built for Dynamics NAV, we now provide this expertise via AppSource.

About Fenwick

Fenwick is a Dynamics 365 Business Central consultancy based in Melbourne, Australia. We have over 40 years' experience in the system implementation space.

Learn more about Fenwick Software:

Supported Editions

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries

All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.

Supported Languages


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